Open-air collective experience in Milan with Morellet, Stein, Davide Boriani, Gianni Colombo, and Gabriele de Vecchi. Text in response to questions from Enzo Mari. Third game-survey. Le Parc took part in organizing a group of Latin American artists in Paris : meetings, discussions, projects. Struggle in the cultural ambit. Collective work : Journal d’une Veuve de Mineur (Diary of a Miner’s Widow). Artists’ mobilization, the creation of FAP (Front des arts plastiques).



Collective artwork by the International Anti-Fascist Brigade in Paris. Large standard produced by the Anti-Fascist Painters Collective for the May 1 parade on the issue of the new Pompidou Centre. The mobilization of artists to confront the problem posed by the appearance of this new art center continued. Discussions, rallies, demands, etc. Dialogue-text with Maurice Matieu in the publication 16 rue de Lille. Personal text in 16 rue de Lille’s second issue. Le Parc prepared and produced the layout for a book to be published in La Coruña, Spain, including a great deal of information on his researches, his stands on issues, his texts, his collective works.